Men’s Health Event

Get Back In The Game! The Men’s Health Event is hosted at Ford Field in Detroit and provides free health screenings to men.

September 21, 2024

Registration will open in August

Free Event.

This FREE event is hosted at Ford Field in Detroit. It is aimed at providing men with a better understanding of their health and how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Full Health Screenings.

Full health and wellness services are available including: vitals screening, bloodwork, flu vaccinations, HIV testing, colorectal cancer screening, skin cancer screening, hearing tests, eye exams, diabetes testing, COVID-19 booster vaccines, and more!

Men’s Health is Family Health.

Family and friends are welcome to join the men they love at the event. Have fun exploring Ford Field, get a free haircut, visit our vendors, and enjoy lunch!

Expert Health Advice.

Expert advice is available throughout the event via the Ask a Healthcare Expert and Hypertension Experts areas, or at the fantastic Halftime Panel hosted by the Foundation’s President & Founder Michael Lutz, M.D.

From Past Participants

“I was 365 pounds and my father, brother, grandfather all died of heart attacks. My own heart was showing signs of stress and my blood pressure was extremely high. I wanted to learn more and the Men’s Health Event helped me do that.

— Frank

“It’s a good thing I went because I found out I had prostate cancer. It’s better to find out early and not late. If I hadn’t I could have been at stage four of prostrate cancer by the time I visited my primary care doctor. Hopefully other people decide to go.”

— Nathaniel

Empowering men to take control of their health so they are educated and equipped to ‘Fight Like a Man’.